He Is

Welcome to Week 2 of the Circle of Friends Challenge hosted by Raili at Soul Gifts.  Here is this week’s assignment:

Who is your closest friend? Is there one or more?  It may be someone from childhood. It may be your faithful four legged friend.  Is it someone who has come into your life recently yet feels like you have known each other forever? What is it about them that makes them so special? What senses (sight, sound, smell, feel) do they evoke in you? What memories do you share? What form does your special relationship take? Do you bare your heart and soul to each other, warts and all? Do you laugh, cry, celebrate life together? How often do you catch up with each other? Is it in person, by phone, through social media? Is it someone you  rarely connect with, yet each time you do, you pick up as if it were only yesterday? Is it someone who has passed through your life yet the memories retain a closeness?

There is only person who is all these things and more to me: MY HUSBAND.  My husband and I will celebrate our seventeenth wedding anniversary May 29th, but we have been together for over twenty-five years.  We are high school sweethearts ❤

I love my husband because of who he is.  He has seen the best and worst of me (which can be pretty scary!), but he loves me any way. I could not ask for a better father for our children.  My husband is all that I’m not, and so much better than I deserve.  He is living proof that God not only provides all we need, He also gives us the desires of our heart. ❤

Video credit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3H5zMeD2Rs

One comment on “He Is

  1. […] introduces her  closest friend  He is   and honours him with a song of the same name by Heather […]

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