Six Line Story: Transgression

Temple ruins, testament to man’s folly

This is my offering for the Six Word Story Challenge hosted by Nicola of Sometimes Stellar Storyteller.

If you want to join the fun, here’s how:

  1. Write a story in six words or less inspired by the prompt. It doesn’t have to include the prompt word unless you want it to.
  2. Write your story in a comment below to be entered. A link to a blog post is not an entry.
  3. A blog post and a pingback is not a requirement of the challenge, just your story in the comments below but feel free to add your own blog post if you wish. Remember to use the tag #stellarstorychallenge if you do and provide a link to your post.
  4. Read and ‘like’ at least one other story published on this week’s prompt.
  5. The winner will be the story with the most likes at the end of the challenge. This week, the end of the challenge will be on Friday 31st March at 10pm GMT.
  6. I will announce the winner on this blog on Friday evening and include links to the winners’ blogs.
  7. First, second and third place will have the honour of downloading and using one of my highly coveted award badges on their blogs should they wish to do so.
  8. In the event of a tie for second and third places, I will choose a single story to take the placement.
  9. Only one entry per person please. Multiple entries will be deleted leaving the first submission only.

Six Word Story: Temptation

Like a moth to a flame

This is my contribution for the Six Word Story Challenge hosted by Nicola at Sometimes Stellar Storyteller.  This week’s prompt is TEMPTATION.

If you would like to participate, here’s how:

  • Leave your story in the comments below (only one mind!)
  • Cast a vote or two for your favourites (there’s no limit on the number you can vote for)
  • Write a blog and send a pingback if you want to (every vote counts right?)
  • Wait patiently until Friday