

Photo credit: http://publicdomainarchive.com/highway-night-blurred-lights-lens-flare-guard-rail/


Stage four


Three to six months

Two doctors. Four specialists

Tears, so many tears

Nelson pressed the accelerator, smoothly navigating the engineering marvel along the two lane road, leaving all other vehicles in his wake.

The past three weeks were an endless round of doctor’s offices, blood tests, cat scans, and MRIs. They all said the same; nothing ever changed.  The intense migraines now had a cause: a malignant brain tumor.

Death wasn’t his greatest fear; it was disappointing his parents yet again. They deserved so much better.

More gas.

Nelson was flying now, weaving in and out of traffic. He felt free for the first time in months.  Since his diagnosis and grim prognosis, his parents along with other members of his family kept vigil, grieving his pending departure.

While no one was looking, Nelson snuck out of the house, grabbed the keys to his brother’s new Corvette and hit the road.

From up ahead came the shrill cry of a train whistle. He pressed harder on the accelerator, racing towards a blinding light.  The odometer topped out at 160 mph.

Nelson was amazed at the smooth ride. He felt like he was floating.

 Word count: 196


This is my offering for the Flash Fiction for the Purposeful Practitioner  Challenge hosted by the talented Mr. Roger Shipp:

The Six Easy Guidelines

  • A photo prompt and an introductory sentence/ topic is to be used as your ‘muse’. They will arrive promptly at midnight each Friday morning.
  • Include the photo prompt and its credits with your story on your blog. Use of the introductory sentence/ topic is optional. Some followers like the introductory sentence ideas.
  • All stories are to be crafted and honed to under 200 words in length.
  • Each flash fiction piece should have a clear beginning, middle, and end. No serial stories. It is harder to stay abreast of a serial story. (Please keep content PG-13.)
  • Post your flash fiction response by clicking on THE BLUE FROG. Follow the given directions.
  • It is the desire of this blog to begin a new writing community. Plan a day to visit the writings of our challengers to enjoy our creations and to provide a little positive feedback.

Thank you Roger for such an amazing platform!


8 comments on “Floating

  1. trE says:

    I like how you painted a picture of the grief-stricken living-to-die man in this. How his world is crumbling, yet he’s still trying to shoot for adventure, take the edge off. Great work here, Kay.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. lorigreer says:

    This short story was packed with emotion. The photograph was a perfect introduction. Good job!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. maryruth16 says:

    Powerful and poignant, Kay. I love how you varied the sentence structure and length.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pamela says:

    Powerful and engaging. I held on to every word.

    Liked by 1 person

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